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The function of Apron

Aprons were originally designed to cover and protect the garment worn underneath. Years ago, large wardrobes were a luxury not shared by many women and washing of that clothing was not done on a frequent basis. Garments were sometimes worn four or five times and aprons served a practical purpose, to cover the dress underneath and to protect it from soiling while cooking and cleaning.


Most of our female ancestors owned many aprons, which were made from cotton and covered the bodice and skirt of their dress. These full aprons were worn by homemakers, as well as nurses and teachers. During this time in history, men also wore aprons as an essential article of clothing in the blacksmith, carpentry and baker trades.


During the 1950s, society celebrated the role of homemaker and aprons were worn as a mantle of pride. The famous symbol of domesticity was made into a fashion statement by popular television shows such as "Leave it to Beaver" and "Ozzie and Harriet." The "June Cleaver era" half-aprons were embellished with rickrack, ruffles, buttons, and appliques. Women often changed from their cooking aprons into serving aprons, which matched tablecloths or place mats.

While wearing aprons may not be very popular anymore, they still serve the same purpose: to protect the clothing underneath. There is nothing more frustrating to a cook than to purchase a new blouse or shirt and get grease splatters or sauce drippings on it the first time it is worn. Digging an heirloom apron out of a trunk or even selecting a new one at a kitchen supply store can save money on stain removers and dry cleaning, as well as preserving expensive clothing.

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 • [Aprons List] The function of Apron
 • [Aprons List] Collecting Female Uniforms: Vintage Aprons
 • [Aprons List] How-To: Stitch an Apron
 • [Aprons List] The History of Aprons
 • [Aprons List] Other meanings of Apron
 • [Aprons List] What is Apron
 • [Aprons List] Aprons in the home
 • [Aprons List] aprons
 • [Aprons List] An Ode to Aprons
 • [Aprons List] Apron Size and Style
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