From about six months of age children begin to step out, or crawl out, on their own. But often, this world can prove to be a little much for a youngster and they may need something to hang onto when the going gets tough. That something may be a special blanket or teddy bear.
During the toddler years a child is often facing major changes like new siblings, play groups, and preschool. Security blankets offer a safe haven. But what do you do if the beloved teddy or blanket goes missing? First its important to be honest with your child and to acknowledge their feelings over their lost blanket or teddy. This is a traumatic event for toddlers and they may still require a security object to get them through life's little bumps. This is not the time to tell them they're too big for a blanket or teddy. Rather let them choose a replacement, if they so wish.
Most children will get rid of the blanket on their own, and it is best for a parent not to push them, because this can have the reverse effect of making the child need it more.